
And then there's THIS asshole.
Sue is a side character that appears during ACT 1, as a colleague of Ezra and Mod.


Name: Tomaz Arlan

Species: Human

Gender: Male (he/him)

Height: 175 cm (5'7")

Body Type: Stocky

Age: In his 40s

Personality: Full of himself

Occupation: Actor, event organizer, cult leader?


Tomaz is

Character Notes

  • Her hair is dyed dirty blonde, but she's not too constant about it. She naturally has it a very dark brown, with visible gray streaks when she gets older.
  • She has scale-themed tattoos on her back.
  • She transitioned before joining Vitality Corp.
  • I am uncertain about her nationality, but English is not her first language.
  • She has a pilot license to fly both planes and helicopters, which is very useful when it comes to missions and generally transporting people and things around. She is especially proud of this ability.
  • She is very dedicated and loyal to whoever she works with, and this is the reason why she stayed under Vitality Corp. for so long, even when Vitali's ideas didn't align with hers anymore.
