
His powers revolves around the control of soot and smoke, though he is able to properly use fire at will.
Name: Sauro Ziegler
Species: Human (Pyromancer)
Gender: Genderfluid (He/She)
Height: 175 cm / 5'10"
Body Type: Generally lean, masculine shoulders but feminine muscle build. Straight torso and thin, long legs.
Age:55, in his 30's in the prequel.
Personality: Serious and able to keep a farce, but once you get to know his personal side he can show flamboyancy. He is very proud of everything he does, and it carries in his behavior.
Sauro - ACT 3:
Sauro gets introduced at the start of ACT 3 as a possible buyer for the Power Plant, as he thought that due to its fame and placement it'd be a strategic point to build over.
During the sale Mod attempts to kill him as a way to earn free money from an unknown outsider (who knows how many times he'd already tried to scam people like that) but, after a quick confrontation that ended up in Sauro incapacitating him, Mod manages to sneak the name of Maxy up to Sauro's curiosity, telling him that Maxy held some important documents about the Power Plant's ownership and how it was managed, and saying he would give them up if he saw Mod risk his life in front of his eyes.
After said slip of information, Sauro quickly catches his chance and drives to Maxy's workshop - a well-known hub for the Pyromancer community - and the two both face Mod. Maxy expresses carelessness in Mod's existence (to the surprise of nobody), so both Maxy and Sauro decide to clumsily get rid of him by i ncapacitating him and throwing him off the pier (again).
Character Notes
- Sauro's hair is extremely curly (between a 3B/3C curl type) and has a lot of texture. It is more dark brown than it is black.
- He is slightly far-sighted. He BOTH wears an eyepatch and a blacked-out lens incorporated in his glasses. Said glasses are sun-sensitive, meaning the working lens darkens with light.
- During Act 3, he has two badly-healed vertical scars on his wrists, from the traumatic experience that made him develop fire powers in the first place.
- He accessorizes a lot, and wears both masculine and feminine clothing styles.
- His eyes are hazel, and the covered eye has a dark, soot-like cornea. He doesn't show it often as he thinks it's kinda unsightly.
- Do not fear making him ugly: he has a big nose and weak chin on purpose.