
Name:"Zima", name unknown (by me because I'm indecisive)
Species: Human (Pyromancer)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 190 cm (6'something")
Body Type: Dad bod, balanced between muscle mass and fat.
Age: 50s
Personality: Appears stoic and neutral, not particularly showing emotions, but he's too patient and sympathetic for the people he cares about for his own good.
Zima was a regular man and lived a regular life once. He had a family and two kids, a steady job as a dentist, and all he wanted was living a quiet life.
Shame that he had to be one of the unfortunate people to develop dangerous powers.
Once he did, he left behind his old life in fear of endangering the ones who loved and took onto Vitality Corp's offer to work with them as they were in need of a doctor.
During his first meeting with Vitali he presented Zima with his newest discoveries, and Zima learned what pyromancing abilities were discovered to do: they not only were destructive, but could also be used as a mean to self-heal and to heal others. This had convinced him to stay.
Dentist, emergency medic, coroner when the need arised as he wanted to give as much respect for the living as the dead, and pioneer of medicine on pyromancers, Zima did what he could to help as most as his knowledge let him.
Unknowingly to Mod, he's the one who made him grow into the body he wanted, and worked together with Vitali whenever any pyromancer had any health-related need.
He "formally" meets Mod after he crosses him in a corridor while the latter was trying to hide, guilty of killing someone who hadn't been so subtle when bothering him. After learning Mod's motives (and recognizing him from years before) Zima felt sympathy for him and decided to help him wash his hands of the crime silently, thus instantly earning Mod's trust.
In fact, after Cyprus he was the only person Mod seemed to treat well, and so he was assigned to supervise him when Mod was exiled since Vitali was certain he'd be the only person who Mod wouldn't hurt willingly in any case.
Zima acts as a shadow during the events of the Power Plant, increasingly disheartened with the course of events and willingly getting himself involved the least possible with Mod's whims. He limits himself to managing backdoor matters and patching people up once in a while. He doesn't even question why Mod disappears into a recluse zone in the facility during his his last weeks.
Some days after Mod and Maxy's final confrontation Zima finally goes to check on Mod, finding him alone and delirious. The latter mistakes him for Maxy and pounces at him, begging to use his powers to sustain him and blind from his obsessive delusions.
Zima, tired and moved by pity, accepts the offer, discovering too late that what he could offer was not enough to keep both of them alive. One of them had to die, and Zima chose to be the one.
Character Notes
- God this came out extremely depressing I'm so sorry
- Anyway Zima's story starts sad and end sad I wish there was some moral but it's just if you're too patient and have no boundaries you eat shit and die?
- I'll have some real character notes when I actually design him I promise
No visual ref has been drawn for now.