
His powers basically revolve around beating the shit out of his opponents and being sexy&cool while doing so. (Do not take me seriously)
Name: Maximilian "Maxy" Reid
Species: Human (Pyromancer)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 182 cm / 6'0"
Body Type: Triangular shape on top: wide shoulders, narrow waist, strong thighs and legs, bootyass.
Age:in his 20s when he meets Mod, now in his late 30s.
Personality: Practical, direct, sometimes impulsive, not too brilliant at times but he tries his best
Maxy - ACT 2:
Maxy gets introduced as the start of act 2 as a pyromancer who had just developed fire powers and had just deemed all his chances to live a life "out in the sun" as doomed.
He came to know of the existence of the Power Plant and approached the place to make some quick money in the only way he felt he had left (illegally), by winning fighting matches with other Pyromancers. He quickly discovers the joys of adrenaline rushes, and at the same time Mod notices his ability and temperament and offers him a steady job as a henchman of sorts.
Under Mod, Maxy is free to channel his most destructive tendencies and, as Mod enables it at every chance he gets, he never questions whether his actions are "good or bad".
All this keeps going until Mod grows sick enough to want Maxy as his only caretaker and limit Maxy's freedom, as their unhealthy attachment made so that each other thought of the other as the only person this could trust. This flips a switch in Maxy's brain and he suddenly feels the weight of everything that he got into, and so he abandons Mod and the Power Plant to their fate.
Maxy - ACT 3:
After the power plant Maxy builds himself a new life with the spoils he could salvage. He sets up a workshop where he offers motorcycles repairs and a hand to people in need since, despite all the negatives, the facility had provided until now, and he plays the vigilante by night among the roofs of the city.
He quickly gains himself the name of someone to be respected (for what he presently does) and to be feared (mostly for his past actions, but also because during his night rounds he doesn't shy away from physical confrontation), and that's something he easily doesn't mind.
Some quiet months pass, until someone by the name of Sauro Ziegler comes to his workshop one day and brings the news that Mod is still alive and has specifically asked about seeing him.
It turns out that Mod tried once again to avoid dying by giving out his name and attempting to leverage him for protection. Maxy has none of it and, together with Sauro, they incapacitate him and throw him in the sea.
Due to various coincidences Maxy and Sauro start to see each other around, knowingly and unknowingly, and after a while, they go from mutual annoyance to actually standing each other.
Other stuff happens afterwards but basically Maxy has his shit together the more time it passes. Good for him. You should read more in the full story up there.
Character Notes
- Maxy's flaming hair intensifies when he feels emotions strongly, and mellows down when he's calm or asleep, even appearing as normal hair. His eyebrows are dyed black.
- The dots on his face (upper cheeks and forehead) are piercing scars, which he took out once he started working for Mod to avoid injuries.
- The markings on his body are made of the same material of his armor and their design is not static - they function as a covering and protection while his body heals from bruises, scars, and other external injuries. The ones on his face are almost always there since they cover some annoying scars. He only takes them off once a day to shave the beard that grows underneath.
- The "antennae" hair on his head are made from the same material as his armor as well, but their consistency is similar to hair regarding flexibility. They can and will catch fire during bursts of strong emotions.
- The rhombi on his chest, on the other hand, are the only tattoos he has so far. (I often skip these because I forget about them or i straight up not like them on designs LMAO they are optional)
- During his stay at the Arena he was more definitely muscular than he is in present times, with the joy of everyone that looked at him and liked some lean beef yum yum