Ezra - ACT 1

Ezra Ziegler

Ez, Ziegler

Member of Vitality Corp.


206 cm (6'9")

120 kg (265 lbs)

Up until 30 years old.



White, not too pale. Rough, freckled skin.

Rather angular face, strong jaw and hooked nose. Goatee and mutton chops.

He has dark reddish hair that stand upwards. He wears it short.

Strongly built, wide and muscular. He has a salmon-themed tattoo on his right arm.

Military gear and adjacent styles.

Training is his main duty as much as it's his hobby, but has a soft spot for tattoo designing, which he doesn't share easily.

Favorite Food:
He is a bit of a health nut, but will eat almost anything.

Low and gruff. Doesn't speak much due to his character.

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Ezra is the first successful artificially created pyromancer, an unforeseen victory of Vitali's studies. He has a gruff personality and is kind of a loner, deeply taken by his training and role in Vitality Corp. and deeply loyal to Dr. Vitali due to the circumstances that led to their newfound acquaintance.



Ezra is born by a short-lived love story between Vitali and one of his ex-colleagues, who quickly realizes he isn't a good fit for being a father. The scientist lady is a long time partner to popular actor and phylantrhopist Lupo De Angelis, who also happens to be Sauro's father.

The two live among other siblings for a while, and while Sauro is deep into his twenties Ezra is merely a teen - a status that makes Ezra grow not too fond of him due to generational differences.

Along with the rest of the family, Ezra happens to star in a reality-like show due to the fame of both of his parents - the marriage between a world-renowned scientist and a famous actor is not what you see everyday.

This, unfortunately, breaks Ezra's patience with his family after a while and he resorts to enroll in military training to stay out of it. This doesn't last long, as he soon discovers he suffers from a series of conditions (?) that make him prone to seizures so he gets dismissed.


After his premature dismissal from military life due to some unfortunate conditions, Ezra finds help through Dr. Vitali, who contacts him offering him to be a voluntary subject for some studies he's been conducting.

Ezra gladly accepts, hoping for a second chance at life. He gets treated brilliantly, and starts training for Vitali's interests: thanks to his research he's developing a way to make regular people develop pyromantic abilities, a skill that Ezra does not disdain.

The experiments are not without risk: on a side, there is a chance for him to gain exceptionally recuperative abilities, technically saving him from his conditions. On the other side, the strain on his body may put him at risk

Surely after some time Ezra begins to develop said fire powers, demonstrating a


After some years, when Mod is 23, Vitali indicts a conference slash lab trial to his best subjects. He convokes a hundred or so of them in a facility located in the island of Cypria, along with a few guests to whom he plans to show his research and advancements.

There Mod gets to know the other subjects including Ezra, a strongly built, gruff and solitary pyromancer to which Mod discovers he has a weakness for. This weakness displays at first as playful annoyance towards Ezra as well as very successful attempts at getting into his pants, together with an extreme competitiveness, a trait that wasn't discouraged by Vitali at all.

However, as Mod and Ezra engage in deeper conversations, they discover that they're way more similar than they expected. Gradually, their connection deepens into genuine affection. As missions come and go, Mod begins to yearn for a life beyond constant training, missions, laboratories, and scientists — a life other than the one ke'd known since he was a kid.

Mod's discussions about yearning for a normal life begin to have an impact on Ezra as well. Gradually, he finds himself growing increasingly distracted from Vitali's rigid training regimens and the strict medical routine he's been sticking to due to his artificially induced powers. Due to this, Ezra starts losing health between missed doses and finds himself having seizures.

Following an especially severe episode, during which Mod briefly contemplates ending Ezra's life out of sympathy — wondering how they could possibly lead a normal life when such consequences stem from deviating from Vitali's regimen — Mod, filled with concern, calls for assistance.

This is when Vitali decides he can't ignore things anymore, as he sees that Mod and Ezra's estrangement from their responsibilities is becoming a problem and might mess up his plans. He takes the matters into his hands and decides to split up the duo: he tells Ezra that Mod had only gotten closer to him to kill him (not wrong) since he's already done it with a few of his colleagues that rubbed him the wrong way (also not wrong). Ezra unfortunately believes him. After this event, Mod is brought back to the Balakai lab without a word from Vitali and what happened, thus leaving him with the doubt of what Ezra will think of him.


Mod is upset for being abruptly brought back to base and is determined to make Vitali's life a living hell. Employees, scientists and fellow colleagues start falling like flies, Mod starts being generally uncollaborative in his experiments, and he begins straight-up neglecting his self-preservation and work at Balakai's base.

Of course Vitali is not okay with this, and fully knowing the reasons why he confronts Mod in a heated argument. Vitali reveals what he said to Ezra as justification for Mod leaving - instead of revealing that the scientist was not ok with the distraction of having feelings, he told Ezra that Mod would "lure him in and kill him at the first chance he got" as he'd done with many others - and it was true, just not in this case.

This made Mod tick and attack Vitali directly, Mod gets exiled to a facility in the city of Edenbanks, where he is supposed to help with the recruitment of newly-awakened pyromancers, basically being demoted of all of his privileges tat he had gained from being Vitali's best pupil. This doesn't stop Mod's want for revenge over the scientist, so he keeps causing problems over there too.

After witnessing the same situation of the Balakai lab, the employees of the facility try to kill off Mod and eliminating the tracks by melting him into a vat of acid. Due to the extremely resistant qualities of his armor Mod escapes this situation even though he suffered a lot of damage, a trait that now is reflected in this armor, jagged and disfigured. After killing everyone on th facility except for Zima, who was there only for surveillance and wasn't aware of the attempt. After this, the deal with Mod was that FINE, he could do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't bother the government or influence Vitali's research.


Ezra and Vitali:

Vitali was the scientist that got the responsibility of taking care of a young Mod when the latter gets taken in to be studied for his powers. They never develop a particularly familial bond, as Vitali never had the intention of being more than someone doing his job. Up until after Cypria Mod is very eager to collaborate with him, but after what Vitali did to him and Ezra Mod grows to despise him.

Ezra and Mod:

As soon as they meet in Cyprus as part of Vitali's Elite Team, Mod's first thought on Ezra is "this dude is an asshole and has to die by my hand", peppered by a strong physical attraction that catches even Mod by surprise. Little did he know that he'd very quickly grow fond of his loner attitude and the kind of attention he gets from him, although Mod would never admit even to himself that Ezra'd become his favorite person to spend time with.

Even after Vitali attempts to break their chemistry by putting an end to the "holiday", his aquaintance with Ezra shapes much of Mod's taste in people from then on.

Ezra and Zima:

Zima "formally" meets Mod after he crosses him in a corridor while the latter was trying to hide, guilty of killing someone who hadn't been so subtle when bothering him.

After learning Mod's motives (and recognizing him as a familiar face) Zima felt sympathy for him and decided to help him wash his hands of the crime silently, thus instantly earning Mod's trust.

Ezra and Sue:

Sue and Mod meet during their stay in Cypria. Their characters are NOT a good fit together, as Sue is very team-oriented and Mod is a firm believer of doing what he wants outside of his assigned tasks.

They grow to stand each other though, as Sue develops a friendship with Ezra and she encourages him to be nice to Mod.

See Also:

  • A short playlist for da vibz:



An assortment of completed pieces, references, sketches and less serious art.


Other's Art

Art made by others throughout the years.